I wish I could show you,

when you are


or in darkness,

the astonishing light

of your own being.


Welcome Dear One,

The astonishing light of your own being is here, always.  The deepest joy is calling you.

Maybe you feel stuck.  Maybe you don’t understand the nondual message completely.  Or maybe you understand intellectually but you still aren’t happy.

My passion is helping people see the joy of being.  I don’t charge anything for this.

For over 30 years I’ve explored the teachings.  Through Zen, Advaita Vedanta, spiritual friendships, and interacting with the works of Rupert Spira. For the last 5 years I’ve been sharing the teachings through guided meditation and conversation.

I don’t consider myself enlightened. I don’t consider anyone enlightened.  But I do consider myself deeply and consistently happy.  And that is what I want for you.  

Please introduce yourself below.

With Love,